MAIDSTONE — Shiloh Baptist Church was visited by 280 people during the summer of 2018.
Visitors were from Germany, New Zealand, Montana and Arizona. Also represented were points in British Columbia: Fort Nelson, Barnhead, Fort St. John, Vernon, Qualicum Beach, North Saanich, Cobble Hill, Logan Lake, Campbell River and Victoria. Alberta visitors were from Hinton, Calgary, Grand Prairie, Spruce Grove, Lloydminster, Blackfelds, Vermilion, High River, Lethbridge and Cold Lake. There were also visitors from Meadow Lake, Unity, Lashburn, Edam, Bigger, Neilburg, Paynton, Kennedy, Paradise Hill, Prince Albert, Choiceland, Regina, Livelong, Langenberg, Goodsoil, Saskatoon, Cut Knife, Poundmaker First Nation and Waldheim. Others came from Toronto, Ont., Portage La Prairie, Man. and Halifax, N.S.
Each time I have been to Shiloh this summer the grounds and the church have been well looked after by Justin Johner, who lives nearby. This summer this unique property was named a Heritage Property by the Government of Saskatchewan.
The Maidstone Museum grounds were busy as about 200 people enjoyed the annual corn roast in September. Our annual Halloween party held at the Seniors’ Drop In Centre on Oct. 31 was enjoyed by 167 children and parents. Winners of the door prizes were Jules Barclay, Kayla Murrey, Arden Oddan, Leta Miscurski and Mac Cable. Thank you to all the businesses who donated items or money to make this a huge success.
We are closed for the winter months but look forward to the summer of 2019.