MAIDSTONE — Jean Stewart was to Saskatoon for an eye appointment. While there her daughter-in-law Elaine Stewart had a visit. She also visited her granddaughter Collette Warlow and family.
Jimmie Stewart and sons Greyson and Denvor stopped by for a visit with grandma Jean Stewart.
Mathew Hartman was over and had a visit with great-grandma Jean Hartman.
Colleen Koskie and Val Morres were to North Battleford to do some shopping.
Chantal Koskie, Colleen Koskie and Radka were to Lloydminster last week.
Lorne Pike was to see her mom Marlene Pike and brought her supper. Lorne likes to try out new dishes for her mom.
Our thoughts are with Jean Stewart as she attended the funeral for her dear friend Eva Rayner.
I had a pleasant surprise last week when my niece Laura Rae and friend Bryan stopped for a visit on their way home to Manitoba.
The weather is beautiful and sunny and melting the snow. The town crew are doing a great job of keeping the water from flooding.