Victoria Day weekend we experienced balmy sunny temperatures beyond everybody's expectations. Who remembers these high numbers the past May long weekend? It was an excellent time for planting gardens, crop seeding, tree pruning, tending to lawns and enjoying nature.
We were informed March 20 all Lakeland Library Region branches were closed indefinitely. Materials could not be brought in from other systems in order to limit the spread of COVID-19. Holding time for these materials for patrons to pick up were extended to six weeks. April 9 this was cancelled, as I just learned from our local librarian. Lakeland encourages the use of digital resources such as ebooks. Visiting www.lakelandlibrary.ca is a good source to learn about library services available.
Saturday, May 30, 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. will be an exciting day for plant lovers. Dora and Barry Brown, whose farm is located four miles south of Mayfair, will have an assortment of bedding plants and perennialsÌý The vendors are Dora Brown, Les Pethick from Mayfair and Denise Taylor (nee Wahlberg) from Hafford with social distancing rules being applied.
The Creation Corner spring plant and garage sale, usually the end of May, is cancelled this year. Creative Corner holds three of these events yearly -- spring, early fall and a craft sale at Christmas time. Hoping this virus will be at a low ebb by September, so we can enjoy purchasing items and visiting our friends and neighbours at the sale. These always attract shoppers from far and near. They have been happening for a decade thanks to the dedicated work of Alice Grigor, Ellyn Scotton, Dora Brown and Carol Dewing and the kitchen staff who serve a large array of homemade food.
The long weekend was been slightly different for cabin owners in the north. The government has strict rules in some areas, angering some people, especially with the nice weather. After being cooped up inside for the past two months, they were anticipating jumping into the car, driving to forested areas and getting cabins ready for the summer.
Travel is rare these days, but neighbours Leanne and Stephen Cherwinski had their daughter Carla, Kelly and kids from Calgary visit for a few days. The three kids love to come to the wide open spaces in the country and also visit their other grandparents near Leoville, Betty-Ann and Albert Soucy.