MAIDSTONE — Cribbage was played at the Maidstone Drop In Centre March 16 with Lil McMillan having a perfect score. Low went to Dorothy Schwartz. Lunch was provided by Denise Newton.
A number of seniors attended a St. Patrick’s Day tea March 17 hosted by the hospital auxiliary ladies, who dressed in green for the occasion.
Bingo was played March 18 with a good attendance on a sunny day. Callers were Margaret MacEachern and Bev Stewart. Lunch was provided by Irene Kerr.
March 20, a stew and biscuit luncheon was attended by 29 people. Bingo was to be played following lunch but was cancelled because of the funeral of a long-time Maidstone resident.
Cards were played March 23 and Dorothy Kissick had a perfect score. Low went to Bev Stewart. Lunch was provided by Dorothy Schwartz.
After 10 days of spring-like weather it snowed about eight inches over Saturday and Sunday. We didn’t think spring was here, but the weatherman can’t take back the nice sunny days we had. A lot of snow dispersed.