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New owners and management at Red Bull

The Red Bull Restaurant and Gas Bar at Radisson is under new management, with JY (Jum Yeung) of Vancouver purchasing the business.
Angels in skit put on by Adventure Club Dec. 18 during the Riverbend Fellowship and United church Christmas celebration. Photo by Lorraine Olinyk

The Red Bull Restaurant and Gas Bar at Radisson is under new management, with JY (Jum Yeung) of Vancouver purchasing the business. JY came to Canada from Korea in 2000 as a landed immigrant, is a Canadian citizen and has worked in the restaurant business in Vancouver for the past 10 years. He is joined by his brother Yun who has not been in Canada as long and will be working in the gas bar part of the business. JY's motto is the customer is always right and to that end he will educate the staff, most of who worked for the former owners, on how best to please the customers.

The Red Bull gas bar is open 6 a.m. - 11 p.m. and the restaurant 7 a.m. - 11 p.m. each day except Christmas day when the hours will be 9 a.m. - 5 p.m.

Some scores from Action Bowl, triples, singles, averages: Ian Tracksell - 715,280,238; Shaun Barth - 660, 268,220; Kandis Branderick - 552,222,184; Mandy Tracksell - 452,172, 151; and in the 55-plus league Jean Sawcghyn - 522, 191, 149; Lorraine Olinyk- 458, 202, 153; Alan Carnahan - 425, 179, 142; and Clayton(who is over 90) - 410, 165, 157.

The Winter League will start the week of Jan. 9 with Kendall Redhead as operator. She has openings for Monday and Tuesday afternoons at 12:30 p.m., Monday at 9:30 a.m. and 7:30 and 9:30 p.m. and Wednesday at 7 and 9 p.m.

Thank you to Jim Buckingham of Shellbrook, who has been working in Borden the past year on the water plant, for a generous donation of $300 to Action Bowl.

Christmas Eve services at Borden are at 6:30 p.m. in the United Church with coffee/lunch to follow, 7:30 p.m. at St. John's Anglican and, at Radisson, 7:30 p.m. in St. Paul Lutheran Church. Christmas Day there are services at Riverbend Fellowship in the Borden Seniors' Centre at 10:50 a.m. and at St. Paul Lutheran in Radisson at 11 a.m. Borden United Church is closed for January; services resume Feb. 5 at 11:30 a.m. All other churches have regular services Jan. 1.

Congrats to the Borden junior girls' basketball team who won the tournament in Blaine Lake Dec. 17, competing against Blaine Lake, Asquith and Martensville.

Borden 4-H Light Horse Club meet every third Thursday. The leaders are Alana Guncsh and Sonia Sutherland. On the executive are co-presidents Rachel Sutherland and Emma Rae Prescesky, secretary Cassidy Serhienko and treasure Taryn Hanley. The club is holding its Christmas party Dec. 22 at the school, making horse treats, eating pizza and watching a movie.

Riverbend Fellowship and United churches held their annual potluck supper and children's program in the Borden Community Centre Dec. 18, with 120 out to enjoy the evening. Non-perishable food items were collected to go to local families and cash donations were sent to the Saskatoon Food Bank. Daryl Wiebe was emcee for the program and the Adventure Club children did a skit called Good News Flash. The reporters were to go out and gather news on an upcoming birth and interview shepherds and innkeepers. Then everyone sang What Child is This? and O Come Let Us Adore Him to end the greatest story ever told.

Pastor Tony Martens read a story about a school nativity play and about Joseph, the forgotten hero of the story, who was one of the most important characters in the birth of Jesus. The children then depicted the nativity story and, when finally the angels and shepherds go to see the newborn, the congregation sang Joy to the World. Gayle Wensley played guitar and sang It's Christmas Time on the Prairies, followed by everyone singing three carols to the accompaniment of Pam Pidwerbesky playing piano.

The older students from the United Church put on a puppet play about Tyrone and Jolene. Tyrone wanted lots of toys but not to give presents himself. Jolene tells him there is more to Christmas than toys or presents, and that the greatest gift was the baby Jesus born to give us everlasting life and dying to forgive all our sins. That is why we give gifts to others. Gifts can be making and giving cookies, making cards and helping a neighbour or older person with chores.

The youth group then performed a skit, An Angel That was Not so Perfect. It included a Bible reading about the birth and all the young adults dressed in costume for the nativity scene, and then closed with singing Hark the Herald Angels Sing.

Daryl thanked all those who helped with the supper and program, with special thanks to Kathy Wiebe for her work with the Adventure Club kids. Candy bags were given to all the children and oranges to everyone.

At the Borden United Church service Dec. 18 the prayer shawls, afghans, toques, mitts and scarves that ladies have been knitting all summer and fall were dedicated. The shawls and afghans will be given to the residents of the Borden Care Home while the toques, mitts and scarves, along with donated toys, will be taken in to Interval House in Saskatoon. After the Christmas Eve service at 6:30 p.m., the United Church is closed for holidays until February 5th.

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