Eagle Hills Multiple 4-H Club held a first meeting of the season at the beginning of September. At the meeting, we elected our executive, planned fundraisers, organized the projects and started planning fun activities for the year.
This year the club is able to provide projects in archery, light horse, baking, photography and outdoor living.
The club held our kick off to the year Sept 10 at Gutters Bowling Alley. We had a pizza party for supper before glow bowling. The members and adults were divided evenly into teams and then proceeded to bowl for the evening. Some of the members and adults dressed in white.
The light horse project has already held several rides. Some of the units have held their own rides and have been learning about safety and how to ride properly. There was one outdoor ride at the L’Heureux Ranch at the beginning of October. Lorne Davey came in the morning and taught us about safety and how tack should properly fit your horse. We had a weiner roast for a lunch break.
We then held a mini poker rally in the afternoon. Each member received a card and then rode for about five5 miles. During the ride, they then collected another three cards. At the end each rider collected their final card. The members were allowed to work together to get the best poker hand. The weather hasn’t been the greatest for outdoor rides, so we will be moving indoors.
The baking project has held their first meeting where they baked cookies. They learned how to properly prepare the ingredients, how to bake them and how to cool them off. They got to put a variety of flavours in their cookies.
The outdoor living project has had two meetings. The first one they went to the corn maze. They started with a lunch before divided into teams. The team that finished the maze the fastest won. Some of the teams got a little lost but in the end all members and leaders made it out.
The second meeting was to be a canoe trip, but it was too windy. They decided to geocache instead.
Stay tuned for our next adventures.