Medstead Central School saw a successful week in the arts with participation in multiple competitions. On April 3, students competed in the annual Spiritwood Music Festival, with the glee club competing and winning at the Spiritwood music festival. Several schools from the area including Medstead, Glaslyn and Spiritwood competed in spoken word and choral singing.
The choral group, led by Marj Klassen and Cheryl Janzen, received a scholarship put forth by the Knights of Columbus for their rendition of the songs ‘Whisper’ and ‘Blue Suede Shoes.’ In association with the Saskatchewan Music Festival Association, the 28th annual event was a success for local musical talent.
In addition to the musical success, members of the Medstead Drama Club attended the Saskatchewan Drama Association’s Region 8 2019 Drama Festival in St. Walburg. The festival ran April 4 through 6, with Medstead performing ‘The Pursuit of Perfection’ on April 5. The show earned a number of accolades from acting to stage-managing.
Celebrating a more hands-on art, the fifth annual Cater Lake Wildlife Federation supper and awards night was held at the Medstead Village Hall on April 6. The event celebrated the year’s outdoor highlights and lauded the fish and game successes of the season. Boasting cocktails and supper, along with a silent auction and raffle, the popular event is associated with the Saskatchewan Wildlife Federation.
Spring continues as more events ready for action, including the comedy night of April 13 with tickets on sale at local businesses.