MAIDSTONE — A number of Maidstone people enjoyed the Monday night Scott Woods show in Lashburn. Marion Staughton took a carload – her mom Jean Stewart, Jean Hartman, Dorothy Harmel and myself. It was fantastic!
Colleen Koski and her sister Gloria Ford travelled to Saskatoon Friday. They stayed there with Gloria’s daughter Jessie and Denis and little George. They went on to Macorie Saturday where they attended their aunt’s memorial service. They stayed with their aunt and uncle, Maxine and Elliot Prentice. They came home Sunday.
Coffee at the suites was enjoyed Tuesday morning with bingo.
They are doing a bit of history on the names of towns. It is very interesting learning how towns get their names.
Colleen Koski was in Lloydminster Tuesday to do some shopping and had the misfortune to get her car backed into and a ding in her door.
Denise Newton was in Saskatoon to spend the day with her sister Daphne. Daphne is doing well but tires very easily.
A note of interest – don’t forget the Legion ladies’ potluck picnic June 2 at the kitchen at the museum. Bring a pot of something and a friend and enjoy!
Although it is very dry, seeding is almost finished. Everyone is waiting for a rain. I'm sure it will come.