Cribbage was played Monday March 19 with high score going to Lois Myer and low going to Jean Hartman, who also supplied lunch.
The February-March pot luck noon luncheon was held on Thursday, March 22, followed by bingo. Shannon Smith said the blessing for the 17 people who attended the delicious luncheon. Bingo followed with Margaret MacEachern doing the calling, lunch left over from the noon meal was enjoyed.
Cards were played at the centre on Monday, March 26, with high score tied by Jean Hartman and Bev Stewart, low score was Cheryl McCaskill. Lunch was provided by Dorothy Schwartz.
Bingo was played Wednesday, March 28, starting at 2 p.m. from now on. Margaret MacEachern and Bev Stewart did the calling. Lunch was supplied by Denise Newton.
Cribbage was played Monday, April 2, with high score going to Bev Stewart and low to Dorothy Schwartz. Lunch was provided by Margaret MacEachern.
The Saskatchewan Seniors Fitness Association annual meeting has been changed to Monday, April 23. Register at the Drop-in-Centre by 9. If you wish to play cards it, and the bowling are in the morning. Lunch will be provided by the Drop-In-Centre.
Bingo was played Wednesday, April 4, with Margaret MacEachern and Bev Stewart doing the calling. Lunch was provided by Margaret MacEachern.
Cribbage was played Monday, April 9, with high score going top Lois Myer and low to Denise Newton. Lunch was provided by Bev Stewart.
Bingo was played Wednesday, April 11, with Margaret MacEachern doing the calling Shannon Rudd supplied the lunch.
The monthly meeting was chaired by Margaret MacEachern in the absence of a president. The up-coming SSFA annual meeting is to be held at the centre on Monday, April 23. Lunch to be provided by Drop-in members. Bowling and cribbage will be in the morning. If you wish to take part, register with Doreen Hope at 306-893-8447. The April, May, June pot lunch birthday luncheon will be held on May 16. Next monthly meeting will be held on May 9 following bingo. No monthly meetings during July and August. To book the centre call, Margaret MacEachern at 306-893-2379 or Cheryl McAskill at 306-893-9131. The annual meeting followed. We are still seeking a president and a vice president. Other offices have been filled. Memberships are due. From April 1, 2018, to the end of March 2019, the cost is $20 per year. For a membership call Vera Hintz at 306-893-2372. New members needed.
There will be a dessert and program evening held at the Senior Centre on Friday, April 27, from 6 to 9 p.m. Cost is $10. Proceeds to go to a children’s summer camp.