The Borden Friendship Club monthly potluck supper was held Jan. 27 with 38 out for the evening. Blowing out the candles for January were Elizabeth Derksen, Lorraine Olinyk and Wendell Dyck, with the cakes and ice cream supplied by Eileen Petrun and Elizabeth Derksen.
Entertainment for the evening was provided by Bob Wardhaugh playing accordion, banjo or keyboard and vocals, Archie Wainwright vocals, Ed Neufeld guitar, harmonica and vocals and Sean O’Connor playing button accordion or the Bodhren drum. They played and sang a number of tunes. Sean also played some lively Irish tunes on his accordion and Ed played harmonica for Moonlight Bay and he sang Old Shep. They closed with Waltz Across Texas and Smile Awhile. After the dishes were done and many had gone home, the four of them kept on jamming for another hour.
The Borden United Church held their annual meeting Jan. 31 after the service and a potluck lunch. Reports were heard from the board chair Jean Hryniuk and minister Gayle Wensley, as well as a financial report from Lorraine Olinyk and a ministry and personnel report from Helen Sutherland.
Going off the board after a three-year term is Stewart Walton. Still on the board are Jean Hryniuk, Jean Sawchyn, Sandra Long who becomes the chairperson, Helen Sutherland and secretary-treasurer Lorraine Olinyk, along with Gayle Wensley. Trustees are Stewart Walton, Stan Foster and Lorraine Olinyk.
The church, along with St. John’s Anglican, will be hosting a Shrove Tuesday pancake and sausage supper with fruit toppings and whipped cream Feb. 9 in the seniors’ room, 5 to 6:30 p.m. Goodwill donations will be accepted. The church will also be holding a St. Patrick’s Day luncheon March 17 from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m., in the seniors’ room, serving stew or soup, buns, bread, cookies and beverages. The United Church hopes to host a Good Friday service with the Anglicans. Members hope to sell burgers and hotdogs at the farmers’ market this summer.
At Borden School’s Jammin’ with Kids days in January, where students donated money to wear their pyjamas on the last day of each week, the school raised $895.05 for the Children’s Hospital Foundation of Saskatchewan. The class raising the most money and winning the ice cream sundae party was kindergarten and Grade 1, with the Grade 2/3/4 class close behind. Great job, students and staff.