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Hooked rug display features elevator scenes

Borden Seniors held their February potluck supper Feb. 23 with 28 out for the meal. The decorated cake was brought by Anna Elliot, and even though there were no members' birthdays for the month everyone enjoyed the cake for dessert.
Borden United Church members roll coins for Change for Change Feb. 27. A donation of $251 was made to the Maple Creek disaster assistance fund.

Borden Seniors held their February potluck supper Feb. 23 with 28 out for the meal. The decorated cake was brought by Anna Elliot, and even though there were no members' birthdays for the month everyone enjoyed the cake for dessert.

After the meal Rita Smith showed a display of hooked rugs, all depicting elevators and hooked by artists from the prairie provinces and British Columbia. Rita told what each rug creator wrote about her rug and why she hooked it that way. These rugs will be touring the West in 2011 and will be at the WDM in Saskatoon in August and September. A lot of intricate work goes into these rugs and if they were for sale, would sell for at least $100 a square foot.

The club entertained Dalmeny seniors on the afternoon of Feb. 24 and had Orton Retzlaf of Saskatoon out to play guitar and sing a number of oldies. He changed the words to some including A Seniors' Life, Life Gets Tedious, Don't It? And Loose Wheel (to tune of Lucille). For over an hour Orton sang 24 songs, closing with May the Good Lord Bless and Keep You.

The Borden Threshermen's Club held their annual potluck supper and program in the community centre Feb. 26, with about 75 out to enjoy the evening. Playing for dancing or just listening was Texas II from Saskatoon - Dennis Kozak playing guitar and violin and Glenn Tschetter singing and playing guitar and synthesizer.

Crown Hill 4-H Beef Club held their annual public speaking competition in Blaine Lake School Feb. 27. The club has 15 members and executive is president Kira Cassavant, vice-president B.J. Verbonac, secretary Tyler Yasieniuk, treasurer Anna Verbonac and news reporter Duncan Sutherland. General leader is Lionel Cassavant and assistants are Sheri Sutherland and Donna Verbonac.

Judges for the speeches were Linda Paulow of Hafford, Chrissy Sutherland and Gaby Uhrich-Chappell of Blaine Lake and time-keeper was Sheri Sutherland.

In Cloverbuds Courtney Yasieniuk spoke on My Favorite Colour - Pink, placing first. Cheyanne Roth chose as her topic My Friend Beary (her teddy bear) and placed second and third went to Cody Shumanski who talked on wake boarding.

In juniors first went to Justin Yasieniuk who spoke on his experience with snowmobiling. Second was Kolton Yasieniuk who chose to talk on goats and the different breeds. Third went to Rachel Sutherland who spoke on Our Cabin at the Lake and fourth was Abigail Roth, speaking on her horse.

In intermediates, first went to Anna Verbonac who spoke on Investing in My Future by starting a herd of Speckle Park cattle. Second went to Duncan Sutherland who spoke on a school trip to Regina and what they saw there. Third was Tyler Yasieniuk speaking on the plight of cattle farmers when BSE was discovered in Western Canada and fourt was Austin Oullette speaking on Vehicles on the Farm.

In the senior age group, first was earned by Clay Cassavant who spoke on the six steps to getting a driving license and the responsibilities taken on once you get it. In second was Ben Verbonac who talked on his trip to Mexico with classmates and what they did while there. Third went to Kira Cassavant speaking on Things that Happened in Her Life that she will always remember and fourth was B.J. Verbonac speaking on working a large farm that ran nine combines and his experience running the grain dryer then driving the grain tanks and big trucks.

The judges praised the speakers for choosing good topics, and suggested they use more eye contact and add more expression.

Each 4 -H member from first to third received a medallion, certificate and prize money. First and second from each age group will advance to districts March 6 at 2 p.m. in the Blaine Lake School gym, when Sask. Valley Dairy and Soaring Dreams Light Horse will also be competing to advance to regionals.

Borden and Speers United Church board members met in Borden Feb. 21 to discuss any issues with the joint ministry with Gayle Wensley. Treasurer Lorraine Olinyk gave a financial report on the joint charge. Holidays and for 2011 will probably be July and August, then in 2012 may go to January and one month in summer. A joint picnic service is planned June 12 in Speers.

Gayle Wensley was reappointed to another three-year term, which expires in 2014. Lenten study is tentatively planned at Borden starting March 8 or 9.

Speers Dinner Theatre is April 15 to 17 with tickets on sale March 7.

March 6, the churches will do their own services as Gayle has been asked to preach at her hometown of Saltcoats, and Joyce Salie of North Battleford will continue to do services whenever needed.

Feb. 27, Borden Church rolled their coins for the Change for Change program with the proceeds of $251 being sent to Maple Creek 2010 disaster relief.

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