I don’t get my weather radio out as often as I should. This evening I listened to the week’s forecast. There is a 60 per cent chance of showers Monday night. Other than that there is no rain forecast for the week ahead. We shall see! There is still harvesting and field work to be done, so every nice day counts.
Eileen and Keith Evans arrived home after a motor trip west where they visited all their family: John and family in Calgary, Alta., and Karen and family, Kathy and family and Joanne and family all in British Columbia. The whole family gathered at the home of Karen and Brian Sjoberg and family for the Thanksgiving celebration.
Keith and Eileen thoroughly enjoyed the trip. The weather and scenery were beautiful and being with their family for Thanksgiving was thoroughly enjoyed by all.
The Thanksgiving service that was to have been held at St. Paul’s Forest Bank Sunday was postponed to a later date because there were still many in the area who were harvesting.
We were able to enjoy the beauty of the fall leaves for quite a few days, but unfortunately the wind blew them off the trees in short order one day last week.
Gully Gus says, “The biggest problem with political promises is they go in one year and out the other.â€