Maymont seniors will be selling tickets for a fundraiser for the Maymont Seniors’ Centre. Tickets will be sold for $2 or three for $5. There will be two draws made – Dean Roger’s donated outdoor nativity scene and a goodie basket. Contact one of the senior members for tickets or come to the Discovery Co-op mall Nov. 12 and 14. Car-Mel Country will be entertaining.
To do or not to do? Mel and I were unable to attend the fowl supper at the school and I had to miss the potluck supper at Ruddell because we were sick. If we would have had the flu shot, maybe we could have made it. By the way, both were great successes. Thanks to all those who helped for both.
Everyone is welcome to the potluck supper Nov. 5 at the Maymont Seniors’ Centre, 6 p.m.