It's spring - work time for the farmers in the area. A lot of fieldwork has been done and some seeding has also been done.
The weather has not been very warm. Monday morning was sunny with no wind. However, we have been having cool weather with some cloud and chilly winds.
All points parish service will be held at St Paul's, Forest Bank at 10:30 a.m. May 31 followed by a potluck lunch at the home of Keith and Eileen Evans. This is designated as Decoration Day and all those interested are invited to place fresh flowers on the graves if possible. Come and share this day!
 We hope that all mothers enjoyed their special day May 10. Mothers were kept busy being in touch with their children both near and far.
Lois Pike had a busy day with her family being entertained by different members for breakfast, dinner and supper.
Many other mothers in the district were entertained in this day and others were in touch with their families in other ways. Mother's Day is always a busy one!
Gully Gus says, "Mothers are extraordinary! Mothers are unique! Mothers are irreplaceable! Bless all mothers!"