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Firefighters celebrate 25th anniversary

Borden volunteer firefighters celebrated their 25th anniversary Nov. 5, with a roast beef supper catered by the Borden Lions Club in the community centre. There were 65 past and present firefighters, first responders and their spouses at the event.
Judy and Wendell Dyck celebrating 40 years together at Borden Nov. 6.

Borden volunteer firefighters celebrated their 25th anniversary Nov. 5, with a roast beef supper catered by the Borden Lions Club in the community centre. There were 65 past and present firefighters, first responders and their spouses at the event. For the program, they introduced all the former firefighters, first responders, former fire chiefs and bookkeepers, then the present 17 firefighters, first responders and dispatcher Mandy Tracksell.

Cyril and Ron Saunders, who have both been firefighters and first responders for many years and are now retiring, were presented with special prints with the firemen's creed. Entertainment was provided by Avery Fairbrother and Jamie Brandrick playing guitars.

Thank you's were extended for the years that many of those present served as firefighters or first responders. They are always in need of more, so contact Fire Chief Terry Tkaczyk or any firefighter if you are interested.

Congratulations to Dalyn Matechuk and Amanda Williams of Borden on the birth of Gage Scott Charles, Oct. 13, weighing 8 lbs., 1 oz. There is a card for cash gifts at the Co-op grocery.

The Borden senior girls' volleyball team hosted conference playoffs Nov. 5, with six teams in attendance. Maymont was first, Medstead second and Borden was third, but just the top two advance to regionals. The senior boys won a tournament in Perdue Nov. 5 and their playoffs start Nov. 12 in Perdue.

In Bantam Tier 2 hockey there are three Sutherlands from Borden playing for the Delisle Bruins - Cole, Cullen and Duncan. They played in Dalmeny Nov. 5, hosted by the Martensville team. Six teams competed. Delisle won one and lost one in Pool B and then lost out in the playoffs. League play started Nov. 7 and Delisle's home games are mostly on Mondays until March.

The Radisson Royal Purple met at a local restaurant in Radisson for their supper meal Nov. 1, with the past honoured royal ladies' meals paid for by the Lodge as well as a portion of the members' meals. PHRs of Radisson Lodge are Kay Shipowich, Roberta Harris, Tina Hessell and Lorraine Olinyk. The meeting was held at the home of Roberta Harris where plans were finalized for the Remembrance Day service at 10:45 a.m. in the Radisson Hall and the Lodge hosts. Plans for the Dec. 10 team bake sale and raffle were made. Happy Birthday was sung to Roberta. At the Dec. 5 meeting, there will be a potluck supper and gift exchange and it will be held at the home of Roberta Harris at 5:30 p.m.

A 40th wedding anniversary tea and program was held in the Borden Community Centre, the afternoon of Nov. 6, to honour Wendell and Judy Dyck of Borden. Their daughters Carol (Leighton) Tebay and Elizabeth (Curtis) Torrens welcomed everyone and Carol gave a brief history of her parents' wedding day and 40 years of marriage. Then Cheryl Piprell told how she and Gordon set the two up with a blind date and they all went to a movie together. She spoke of the subsequent dating leading to a wedding.

Brother Don Dyck talked about his brother Gerald, who was groomsman, having an accident on the way to the wedding in Saskatoon. He spoke of their involvement in the community - Lions, cemetery, threshermen's, church and museum. Elizabeth spoke of the past year and all of the upheavals in their life, with having to sell the house they had lived in to make room for Elizabeth and Curtis to build a new house on the farm, and having only one week to pack and move everything out. It was a challenge to find the photo albums, wedding dress and suit that were on display. She closed with a poem on 40 years of marriage.

Elizabeth then had a slide show presentation of the 40 years together, the girls being born, growing up and marrying, then the five grandchildren arriving - David, Matthew, Lynnae, Ryley and Anna. Carol thanked her parents for all their guidance over the years and instilling in them great values. She thanked them for their positive impact on those around them and said she was proud to have them as parents.

Carol thanked all those that came out on a snowy day, her sister Liz for all the arranging and the RiverBend Fellowship ladies for the lunch. Clive Wensley spoke on Wendell's involvement with the Threshermen's Club and of when he was on the school board and Judy came to Borden as a teacher.

Wendell and Judy thanked everyone for coming and for all the good memories over the years. They were glad to be involved in the community and Wendell said he will not be leaving the area and may stay on the farm like his dad before him. The couple then cut the cake and lunch was served to the family and guests.

The Village of Borden held their 2010 annual meeting Nov. 3 in the Borden Community Centre, with a good turnout to hear the reports and enjoy lunch served by the Grad 2012 class. Dianne Sylvester was nominated to be chairperson and Sandra Long recording secretary.

Sandra read the minutes from the September, 2010 meeting, then reviewed all of the financial statements. Total income for 2010 was $1,029,835 of which $674,313 was capital grants and gas tax rebate. Expenses amounted to $287,635 leaving a surplus of $422,949 less accounts payable of $79,175; but the village has a long-term debt of $490,863 to pay for the new water treatment plant. The statement reflected the moneys received but not spent on the water treatment plant expansion and, as of the end of 2010, there were tax arrears of $33,457 and water and sewer arrears of $11,956. Most of those have now been paid.

Sandra also gave the financial statements for the Borden Cemetery Trust Fund and the Pederson trust, the perpetual care operating account, the Borden Community Centre and the Borden and District Fire Department.

Other reports of the years activities and upcoming events were heard from Glenn Sutherland for parks and recreation, Jamie Brandrick for the fire department, Lorraine Olinyk for the farmers' market and Friendship Club, Diane Sylvester for the Lakeland Library and Community Centre Preservation Committee, Kendall Redhead for Action Bowl, Heather Silcox for the museum and Wendell Dyck for the cemetery.

Mayor David Buckingham gave his report, thanking all the volunteers - for without them we wouldn't have anything and they all do such a great job. He thanked the parks and rec board and the seniors' club for all their effort with the playgrounds and walking trail improvements. He thanked the fire department and first responders, and spoke of the move of the village office into the RM office. As of Jan. 1, 2012, Barry Hvidston will become administrator of Great Bend RM No. 405 and the Village of Borden and Sandra Long will be assistant administrator for both.

Mayor David also spoke of the water treatment plant and of the great water we now have, of gravelling the streets, the hiring of Don Hebig to become water treatment operator, having a by-law enforcement officer hired and, with Peter Thiessen's retirement, approaching the need to train Don to be the maintenance man. He noted the fire department will need to expand and, with the farmers' market moving to the Village Shop, the need to improve the grounds by the water plant to accommodate the market and parking. The lagoon will need to be expanded in the future, and there is a need to address recycling.

Thank you was extended to Jim Buckingham for all his expertise on the water treatment plant since the spring and still ongoing and to everyone who worked so hard on the water plant, to the staff and to Kendall for taking on the bowling alley. After a question period on topics ranging from speeding along Second Avenue and what to do about it, to the water and what is added to it and re inspection, the meeting adjourned and dainties and beverages were served by the Grade 12s.

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