MAIDSTONE — The monthly meeting of the Maidstone Drop In Centre was held May 5 with new president Cheryl McCaskil presiding. Discussed was the care of the shrubs and flowerbeds surrounding the building. A colour was chosen for the painting of the outside of the building this summer.
Details were finalized for the Father’s Day tea and bake sale to be held June 19 from 2 to 4 p.m. Date for the May-June birthday lunch was set for June 24 at noon followed by bingo. Lunch was provided by Dorothy Schwartz following the meeting.
Bingo was played May 6 with Joan Smith and Denise Newton doing the calling. Lunch was provided by Cheryl McCaskil.
A long-time member of our centre, Ray Stewart, passed away April 30 at age 84. A memorial service was held at the Legion Hall May 7. Condolences go to his wife Bev, who is an active member of our centre, and her family.
A number of seniors enjoyed the Mother’s Day tea and bake sale at the Legion Hall May 8 served by the legion ladies. Lynn McGowan won the door prize drawn from the 87 who signed the register. Two beautifully decorated cakes were raffled donated by Linda Garnier and Rose Johner and won by Norma Lott and Geordie Rutley.
Cards were played May 11 with a perfect score for the afternoon going to Dorothy Schwartz. Low went to Dorothy Kissick and lunch was provided