The Borden Friendship Club held their meeting March 14, and upcoming events are Bingo on March 21, Kaiser on March 27, pot luck supper and birthdays on March 28 with Penner Family entertaining. At Kaiser on March 13, the winners were Doreen Flath and John Petrun with Gary Leschyshyn low hand. In April the annual meeting will be on the 11th at 7 p.m., Kaiser on April 10 and 24 at 7 p.m., bingo on April 18, hosting a concert on April 22, with Magic City Chorus from Saskatoon, by donation, at 2 p.m. in the Borden Community Centre with proceeds to the Borden Volunteer Firefighters. The club is also presenting the Borden Firefighters with a donation of $2,000 for their fire hall renovations. There are 35 members attending Speers Dinner Theatre with half of the ticket paid for by the club from the bingo account. On March 17, club members helped with the Parks and Rec Winter Fest, setting out board games and cards for the bowling tourney.
On March 14 in the Borden Community Centre, a Sask Emergency Management information night was held, with Brent Krawetsky speaking and showing on the overhead the measures needed to set up a program. He showed some recent ones in the last few years and spoke on the types of emergencies, impact of emergencies and preparing for an emergency – know the risks, make a plan and prepare or get an emergency kit. He spoke of the need for great communications, to have a list of contacts, to know the phone numbers of everyone that would need to be involved, to have an evacuation plan, what to take with you (important documents, emergency kit and what to have in it) and how to handle pets. Brent spoke of how you would begin to have an EMO in your community – there will be a course in Borden on April 20th 21 and they would like to have at least 10 volunteers for the free course to learn how to set up an EMO. Call the Village Office at 306-997-2134 if interested. We all need to be prepared to the best of our abilities in the case of an emergency. There were a number of free handouts and coffee and donuts were served after the meeting.
A Borden School’s Got Talent Night was held March 15 in the Borden Community Centre, starting with a pulled pork, potatoes, salads and dessert supper for $5 a plate, a silent auction of items that the students had done along with other outside donations, and a display of talents was done by Brooke Faith with her swimming prowess and Cale Redhead with his BMX racing. For the Talent Show, the Borden School Grade 5 Band started by playing a number with the Grade 6-9 Band following up with two numbers. There were dance duets performed by Olivia and Emma Kolosky with mom Denise helping, tap dancing duet by Katelyn and Justin Worona, ballet dance duet by Abbey Braun and Grace Siebert, and tap dance quartet performed by Rachel and Savannah Sutherland, Brooke Brazeau and Danika Pidwerbesky. Piano solos were performed by Jaydess Whitbread, Anna Torrens, Silas and Anna Gough, Liam Faith and Jack Doegan had a trumpet solo. Karate demo and sparring were done by Ryley Torrens and Treyton Schmidt and Kody Munkholm sang with his very deep voice, accompanied by his grandpa, Glenn Julseth, playing guitar. The 50/50 of $127 was won by Greg Worona of Borden.
On March 24 the Borden Museum is holding a supper, display, pop up museum, and program on World War I. The meal will be from that era with ham, mac and cheese, coleslaw and butter tarts, and is by donation, with doors open at 5:30 p.m. in the Borden Community Centre.
The Borden United Church held a successful St. Patrick’s Day Luncheon on March 16 in the Seniors Room with Celtic Country providing the music – Bob Wardhaugh, Sean O’Conner, Archie Wainwright, Perry Nicol and Ed Neufeld. Served was beef stew, four kinds of soup, bread, cookies and beverages and it was by donation.