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Borden and District News: Threshing day draws 330 visitors

Borden Museum hosts 230 to supper.

BORDEN — The Borden Threshermen held their Threshing Day on a beautiful fall day Sept. 24, with over 330 on hand to watch the various demonstrations going on out at the site. Visitors were directed by horseback riders where to park in the field south and were then picked up by horse-drawn people carriers and taken to the registration desk.

Donna Barth had her petting zoo on hand with ponies, goats, rabbits and numerous fowl. Kids could feed and pet them. Ed Neufeld had his JD mower tractor out pulling the Lions carts and many children enjoyed rides throughout the day.

The cook car was kept busy selling borsch, soup, bread and beverages from 10 a.m. to after 3 p.m. They had a plowing demonstration, Kevin Sutherland sawed wood using his 1945 Farmall H tractor, Dalyn Matechuk drove his JD 630 tractor to pull the potato digger handled by Cyril Saunders and people were given bags to pick up potatoes and take them home.

At noon there was the parade of power starting with flag bearers Loran and Danyle Collision on horseback. Riders were Alana Gunsch and Esther Harkness. Orest Michalowski entered his team of Clydesdales pulling a people carrier. Amanada Van der Kerckhove from Vanscoy drove her team of Clydesdales pulling a people carrier. Travis Waldner and his black Percherons pulled a democrat. Ken and Pat Crush from Langham had his grey team of quarter horses pulling a covered wagon. Ray Ottman and his Percheron cross team pulled a two-wheeled cart. Neil Bartsch had his team of Clydesdales hitched to a people carrier. Larry Schpansky drove his 1956 Studebaker car. Ken Klimm drove a 1941 Chev halfton truck and Amanda and Fritz were in Walker’s 1951 Mercury one-ton with hoist up.

Machinery included: Dalyn Matechuk - JD630 tractor pulling the McCormick Deering binder; Daryl Amey - 1944 Farmall P; Ed Neufeld - 1948 JD D; Archie Wainwright - 1952 JD R; Aaron Wensley - 1948 MM pulling the Minneapolis Moline threshing machine; Willard Wensley - 1938 Farmall; Tom Wensley - 1948 MM Z pulling a JD Clipper combine; Don Wensley - 1949 MM R pulling a discer; Casey Wensley - 1950 Fordson 8N hooked to a two-furrow plow; and Kevin Sutherland - 1945 Farmall H. Borden firefighters with their fire truck and water truck closed off the parade.

There was a bindering demonstration and then the threshing machine was hooked up to Wensley’s MM tractor and Amanda with her team pulled two loads of sheaves up to the machine. The horses were a bit skittish at first but soon quieted down. Some throwing the bundles into the thresher were Morgan Attrux, Riley Baker and Delmar Hamm. Daryl Amey was straw boss and Stew Walton was in charge of the grain chute going into the wagon.

A roast beef supper hosted by Borden Museum at the Community Centre fed 230 people and while guests waited in the Seniors’ Room to go in to eat, Bob Wardhaugh played his keyboard or visitors could tour the museum. The tables in the hall were decorated with coal oil lanterns and mini sheaves and the stage had been beautifully decorated with a fall theme – sheaves, pumpkins and flowers – by Brenda Tumbach and Sharon Assman.

The Borden and District Lions Club met Sept. 20 with 23 members present. The executive members are president Perry Nicol, secretary Bob Wardhaugh and treasurer Sandra Long. Name badges were handed out to the new members and Melvin Jones plaques were presented to Sharon Assman, Sandra Long and Melvin Wasylyshyn.

Committees were set up for Remembrance Day, post-secondary scholarships, Carol festival on Dec. 4, catering, CNIB and media. The club will have a display set up at Borden’s Welcome Night Oct. 20 in the Community Centre. A Remembrance Day service will be hosted on Nov. 11, with lunch to follow. There will be a fall turkey supper in the Community Centre Saturday, Oct. 15 from 5 to 7 p.m.

At the Saskatchewan Lions convention for districts 5SKN and 5SKS in Regina on Oct. 28 to 30, there will be a “We Remember” service to honour departed members and Ann Wardhaugh and Peggy Wainwright will be recognized.

A report from the Lions guide dog motorcade Sept. 10 saw more than $500 donated from the local club, village and members. Donations were requested from the Borden Care Home regarding highway signage and Borden flower barrel committee and these were tabled until a later meeting.

Memberships were payable at the meeting and new members do not have to pay for the first year unless they wish to. A new committee was set up for fundraising and they will look into ways to raise funds for the club in the future. The district governor Beryle Bauer from Lake Lenore will be invited to make her visit in March of 2023.


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