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Borden and District News: New sign advertises Borden Care Home

Seniors’ Friendship Club bingos begin Nov. 16.

BORDEN — The Borden Care Home board of directors and chairperson Ivan Youchezin, thank the Borden Lions Club for their donation to purchase a sign for placement in the Highway 16 sign corridor east of Borden and to the village of Borden for their support in suggesting a sign and other great ideas to promote and advertise the care home. A smaller sign is along the service road west of Borden. The care home, with private rooms with ensuites and home-cooked meals, is a non-profit organization that depends on the support of the community.

The Borden and District Lions hosted the Remembrance Day service in the Borden Community Centre the morning of Nov. 11 with a good turnout for the event.

Members of Borden Fire and Rescue in attendance were dressed in white and black dress uniforms. Artwork by the Busy Bees Preschool was on stage by the cenotaph. Lions president Perry Nicol welcomed everyone and with Lion Sharon Assman playing the piano for O Canada.

Lion Rev. Sheldon Carr led in worship and spoke of the reasons for this service – to remembers those who have died in the service of our country and to rededicate ourselves in the cause of peace.

Lion Archie Wainwright read the honour roll with Last Post played, two minutes of silence and Reveille.

Rev. Carr spoke of the First and Second World War and Korean War and of the peacekeepers that are serving overseas at the present in the conflicts in Europe and elsewhere. He paid tribute to the first responders and firefighters who are working 24 hours a day to help those who are dying or wounded.

“We have all become lax in loving our enemies and that is why we need to come together on the 11th hour, 11th day of the 11th month to remember all who have served and sacrificed life in the name of peace,” he said.

Lion Bob Wardhaugh introduced participants in wreath laying – village - Mayor Jamie Brandrick, RM of Great Bend - Councillor Ian Hosegood, Borden School - Steele Warren, government of Canada – (for MP Kelly Block) - Doug Boyes, Borden Fire and Rescue - Captain Luke Walker, RCMP - Sgt. Sam Ouelette and veterans - Bob Krueger.

In Flanders Fields was read by Esther Harkness and Rev. Carr led in prayer. God Our Help in Ages Past was sung, Rev. Carr gave the Benediction and God Save the King was sung.

The Borden Friendship Club held their regular meeting Nov. 10, with 16 members present. Rosann Carr reported sending six cards to people sick or in hospital, Bev Assman reported from the lunch committee regarding birthday cakes, which will be purchased in the city. She also says the club has a licence to start bingo on Nov. 16 at 7 p.m. in the club room and everyone is welcome. The December bingo will be Dec.14 and the club will buy items of baking to sell at the bingos.

There was information on holding a 55 Alive Mature Driving course and this will be looked into closer to spring. Lorraine Olinyk thanked Dianne Rawlyk and Florence Neufeld for nominating her to receive a platinum jubilee pin marking the 70th anniversary of Queen Elizabeth II’s accession to the throne.

Entertainment for the Nov. 24 potluck supper will be Don Balzer and for Dec. 8 the Penner family. The club is invited to Maymont seniors’ centre for Dec. 7 and, so far, 19 members are planning to attend. Others are to let Lorraine know by Nov. 24.

The Dec. 8 Christmas supper will be catered to by Little Sprouts Early Learning Centre and members voted to pay $10 each if a club member, $20 if not a member. Members have until Nov. 24 to let Lorraine if they are attending. The club moved to donate $300 to the Borden Ministerial Account to be used at Christmas to help needy families in the area.


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