Members of the Action Now Seniors' Centre are pleased spring weather is upon us, making it much easier and enjoyable to take part in the various ongoing activities.
The March/April birthdays were celebrated April 13 with nine celebrants at the head table. Thanks to Ruby Rafuse and her committee for hosting the event and to all who attended and brought food for a delicious potluck meal.
The annual meeting was held March 21. A moment of silence was held to honour 10 former members who had passed away in the previous year.
Election of executive and board members took place. Returned by acclamation were president Margaret Kemp, vice-president Margaret Fedun, secretary Yvonne MacPherson and treasurer Lucille Shutra. Board members for three-year terms are Marcel Lacoursiere, Mildred L'Heureux and Irene Guminy.
Volunteer committees were also set up to help with the operation of the centre. Thanks to everyone for your continued support and devotion to the club.
April 22, the annual afternoon cribbage tournament was held with Marcel Lacoursiere becoming the 2016 champion. Second place went to Howard Weitzel and third to Theo Omelchenko.
The annual Kaiser tournament held April 27 saw Joe Pirot winning the champion trophy with Margaret Kemp second and Margaret Fedun third.
At the Friday evening Kaiser tournament held May 6, it was Shelly Leite who won first with Margaret Kemp and Joe Pirot placing second and third, respectively. Evening Kaiser tournaments are held every first and third Friday of the month at 7:30 p.m. and are open to non-members as well.
We are pleased to welcome some new people to the centre. George and Betty Pipp, Clem Hood and Helen Polischuk have recently joined our membership. We hope that they will enjoy the activities and fellowship. We invite others who are 55 plus to join us as well. Memberships are only $5 a year. For further information regarding our club, please call 306-446-5646 or drop in at 1501-101st St. between 1 and 4 p.m. on Monday, Wednesday, Thursday or Friday.