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Meota and District News: Bidding farewell to an outstanding citizen

Sons of Norway gather for a corn roast.
A monthly supper dance was held at the Pioneer Centre in North Battleford which had about 40 in attendance. A lively evening of music was provided by Leon Ochs.

MOETA — We are into September and beginning to hear rumblings from the snowbirds inquiring about temporary residences down south. The harvest is well underway and we hear yields are slightly lower but still respectable. That being the case here it isn’t so out to the southwest. Just heard this morning that some areas that are plagued with grasshoppers and drought have another predator to deal with — crickets. When asked to describe them I was told they are black, about an inch long and ugly. A motorist recently stopped her car on the road to determine what the black material was ahead and found it to be crickets.

We have had the misfortune to have to say goodbye to an outstanding citizen of Meota. Pearl Hawkins had served as a town councillor, was a director for the seniors’ organization, served on the hall board, worked with ADRA, and was the chief cook for our monthly hall dinners. She will be missed by many but not forgotten.  A dinner was held in her honour at the hall.

A dinner party was held at the Do Drop to celebrate the 50th wedding anniversary of Bob and Vivian Lesko. About 35 people attended and took part in a variety of games prior to being well fed.

A monthly supper dance was held at the Pioneer Centre in North Battleford which had about 40 in attendance. A lively evening of music was provided by Leon Ochs.

The weekly activities included golf. Two people arrived to witness the rain falling and barring golf cart use. Friday canasta had: first - Gail Hilderman and Paulette Neale, second - David Ottis and Eric Callbeck, and third - Cora Christianson and Arlene Walker. Duplicate Bridge Tuesday afternoon: first - Richard Groves and Barb Mitchell, second - Joann Wiens and David Sharpe. Thursday evening Duplicate Bridg: first – Fraser Glen and Jean Lawes; second - 2 David Sharpe and Vern Iverson, third - Gerry Craig and Mary Phelps.

Aug. 23, the Sons of Norway had their annual corn roast in the lawn bowling clubhouse in North Battleford. A Norwegian whist party came first with 19 enthusiastic players. High score went to David Sayers, with Nestor Fransoo and Alrene Walker making second and third.

The corn for the party was supplied by the Neales and it was excellent. Many tasty salads and desserts rounded out the meal. Svend Christiansen had the lucky number for a draw. After supper, some participated in lawn bowling while others played Canasta inside. At a short meeting it was decided to have Norwegian whist on every second Wednesday starting Sept. 6 at 1:30 p.m. in Meota then Sept. 20 at Towers II.

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