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Borden News and District News: Lions hosting Mother’s Day brunch

Friendship Club organizing float of Diefenbaker Daze parade.

BORDEN — At the April Lions meeting upcoming events were discussed. Mother’s Day Brunch is Sunday, May 12 in the Borden Community Centre from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Adults are $18, children five to 12 years $10 and preschool free. There will be a basket raffle and a children’s activity table. Proceeds from this brunch go to Diabetes Sask.

The Lions are having a giant outdoor flea market on Saturday, May 25 from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., encompassing four blocks on the two main streets in Borden. There are many vendors booked and the Lions will have hot dogs, muffins/cookies and beverages for sale.

The current executive members were voted in for 2024-25 – president Tom Redhead, vice-president Cody Bradshaw, secretary Brittany Kletzel, treasurer Justin Bisson and Tail Twister Bob Wardhaugh.

Ed Neufeld and Archie Wainwright have built and painted three more kiddie carts and purchased the wheels for them. The club is looking for sponsors for the carts who can put their business decals on these carts. Sponsors who originally bought sponsorships are being asked to chip in $50 for upkeep. These carts will be giving kids rides on Diefenbaker Daze June 1 and 2. The Borden Lions have been asked to look after the parade on June 1 for Diefenbaker Daze.

The next Lions meeting is Thursday, May 2 at 7:30 p.m. in the Norman Smith Room of the Community Centre and new members are always welcome.

The Borden Friendship Club held their business meeting April 10 with lunch brought by Rosann Carr. The club will pay $50 to the Borden Lions for upkeep of the Kiddie carts and will donate to Borden School for the breakfast program up until June of 2024. Ed Neufeld will look into having a float in the Diefenbaker Daze parade June 1 and, if he gets a people mover wagon, people volunteered to ride on it. Sandi Long reported on various bus trips and prices and this was tabled until August when more information will be available.

Nominating committee chair Brenda Tumbach gave a report and has contacted local members. She will also contact those out of town as all executive positions need to be filled. Elections will be held at the annual meeting April 25 at the potluck supper to be held in the Club Room.

Annual fees, now $15, were discussed. Life members 85 and older do not pay. The club plans to invite senior clubs from Langham, Radisson and Maymont for supper and a program on Friday, June 7. Local members need to contact Lorraine Olinyk by May 24 if they are coming or not coming. The price for members for the June 7 supper will be decided on at the annual meeting.

The Borden Museum held a supper and silent auction April 13 in the Borden Community Centre and close to 120 were in attendance. They shared food that would have been served to threshing crews in celebration of the farming community. As you entered the hall a farmer and his wife were set up in the entranceway with a bowl for donations. The hall was decorated with enlarged photos of threshing days, a pop-up museum on the Redberry Puffed Wheat Mill and a display of Fun on the Farm with animals and buildings that intrigued a few little ones.

The tables were nicely decorated by Brenda with mini wheat sheaves, live yellow or lilac spring flowers, pussy willows in a silver bowl and jars of wheat all set on colourful serviettes. On the tables were farm trivia questions about the 1930s and today.

After the meal, Heather Penner described the Redberry Puffed Wheat Plant that was started in the early 1900s north of Borden and then moved into Borden. When the railway quit picking up products, it was moved to Saskatoon on 33rd Street East.

Ed Neufeld played his guitar and sang Poor Poor Farmer, Dusty Old Farmer and Life on the Farm. Ruben Rempel told of early farming days, about his grandparents homesteading in the area and the difficulties faced trying to farm in those days. All during the meal and after, a slide show was running showing different years of threshing at Borden.

The museum had the school children write essays about their grandparents and the winner received cash prizes — $25, $15 and $10. Winners were: juniors - Odin Schroeder, Lyla Golding and Hadley Ginter; seniors -Berkley Burletoff, Zoe Walker and Emma Larner. 

The evening concluded with the announcement of silent auction item winners.

On the museum board are president Karen Kerr, secretary Brenda Tumbach, treasurer Ruben Rempel and members Martha Rempel, Stew and Eleanor Walton, Elaine Gunsch, Heather Penner, Ed Neufeld and Bev Hrynuik, village council representative. The museum plans to open on May 25 for the season.

On Sunday, April 14, a special service was held at St. John’s Anglican Church with Bishop Rod Andrew presiding when two young boys – Zake and Thorin of Saskatoon — were baptized and five ladies were welcomed into membership in the Anglican Church – Jean Brooke, Brenda Tumbach, Mary Hunchak, Amanda Middleton and Lorraine Olinyk.

Rev Carr began the service and then turned it over to the bishop who delivered the reflection and was in charge of the baptisms and receiving of new members. The five new members took part in the service with the readings or helping with Holy Eucharist. Zake and Thorin were each given a lit baptism candle and a gift of a Bible from the church and each of the ladies received a special gift, card and certificate from St. John's. Following the service, lunch was served in the lower hall.




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