MOOSOMIN — Back by popular demand, June 1 will be a day for bargain hunters and spring cleaners alike to mark on their calendars.
The second annual town-wide garage sale is set to take place in Moosomin on that date, building on the success of last year’s inaugural event.
“It was raining all day, but we still had so many people out and about at garage sales,” Moosomin Economic Development Officer Casey McCormac recalled of the 2023 garage sales. “We didn’t have very much planning time last year, so I wanted to get the date out early this year so people had time to plan for it.”
McCormac said last year’s first foray into the mass garage sale scene noted around 20 families participating, and this year could see even higher numbers.
“It’s in about a month, and I already have 17 signed up,” she confirmed.
The whole idea of holding a town-wide garage sale sprang forth from public demand, having attended similar events in communities throughout the region.
“People were asking for it because I know other communities do it, so we tried it out. It went over really well; it’s a day that we organize to have all the garage sales on one day instead of them being sporadic.”
Those interested in being on the official list of garage sales can contact McCormac via email at [email protected]. Just before June 1, she plans to post a map listing participants, with hours loosely set between 9 am to 5 pm.
An additional benefit to Moosomin is the draw of the event, bringing people to town who will likely linger, visiting local businesses during their day spent hunting for treasures.
Other general benefits to garage sales include obviously making a little bit of money from unused items around the house. There’s also the social aspect of visiting with neighbours, plus reusing those bargain buys reduces stress on landfills. The old adage of ‘one person’s trash is another’s treasure’ rings true.