MOOSEJAWTODAY.COM — The first-ever Canadian Forces Snowbirds show to be held at the Moose Jaw Municipal Airport (MJMA) generated over $3,200, which organizers donated to the Moose Jaw & District Food Bank on Dec. 19.
LCol Denis Bandet, commanding officer of the CF Snowbirds, Maryse Carmichael, , Greg Simpson, chair of the Moose Jaw Municipal Airport Authority board, and Terri Smith, operations manager of the Moose Jaw Food Bank, gathered at the food bank for a building tour followed by a cheque presentation.
Bandet, Carmichael, and Simpson presented Smith with a cheque for $3,249.
"We're very grateful for this monetary donation," Smith said. "We're able to make monetary donations go a lot further than food donations, because we can use it to buy what we need, when we need it. Especially at this time of year, right before Christmas, a lot of people are struggling. They were struggling before Christmas, and now they're really struggling, and this money will give them the help they need, right now."
"Every year, the Snowbirds hosts a season closer, typically out of 15 Wing Moose Jaw, and this year we wanted to partner up with the city and the Moose Jaw Municipal Airport Authority," Bandet explained.
"We wanted to hold a public display out at , so everyone from the community could come and watch.
"The community of Moose Jaw has been so supportive over the years, we've had some challenging times, and we wanted to give back."
Bandet said that when he called Simpson and Carmichael with the idea of a Snowbirds airshow, and of donating the proceeds to the Food Bank, "the answer was 'yes' practically before I even picked up the phone," demonstrating the close relationships the Snowbirds have here in their hometown.
"The city is just very happy that we were able to put on this event for the entire community, especially at this time of year when it is so needed," Carmichael said.
Carmichael was the Snowbirds' first female commander and is a member of Canada's Aviation Hall of Fame. On the day of the airshow, she volunteered as a ticket-taker at the MJMA front gate, welcoming residents out and directing traffic.
"On behalf of the Moose Jaw Municipal Airport Authority, we're very thankful that the Snowbirds came out to our airport. It was historic, it was the first time ever, and we just thank them for putting on that show," Simpson said.
"A big 'thank you' to the city for their help, as well, and all the people who volunteered, and the community who came out to watch. And we're fortunate that we could turn that around and donate to the food bank. I think the Snowbirds are iconic. They represent Canada, they're well known as warriors of the air, which is part of their motto, and for standing on guard for this nation, so we're very pleased that our recent runway expansion enabled them that collaboration."
Smith noted that the Moose Jaw & District Food Bank , which has been difficult and reflects housing and financial stress in the greater community.
"We have to say the biggest thank you to our community over the last couple of years," she said. "Whenever we put out the call, for anything, whether it's diapers or pet food or monetary donations, the community gathers together and they make it happen."
Bandet, Carmichael, Simpson, and Smith also extended a joint 'Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, and Happy New Year' to the entire community of Moose Jaw and its surrounding areas.
To help the food bank, visit their website at , and follow them on social media to see what donations they need most.
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