MOOSEJAWTODAY.COM — 15 Wing Airbase has recognized 15 personnel with honours, awards, medals and appointments as part of a military tradition that acknowledges members’ dedication and service to the organization.
The ceremony occurred on Jan. 31 at the airbase in the Col. O.B. Philp Complex.
The and a e were also handed out.
Operational Service Medal (OSM) Expedition
The OSM Expedition Award was given to Capt. McKay, who deployed on various missions to support 427 Special Operations Aviation Squadron.
This general service award recognizes those who serve in or provide support to overseas operations and for which no other medals, such as United Nations or NATO medals, are available. The OSM with Expedition ribbon recognizes service on smaller operations for which there are no medals available or service in dangerous circumstances outside of an existing theatre.
Special Service Medal (SSM) Expedition
The SSM Expedition award was given to Capt. Palosky, a former 405 Long Range Patrol Squadron CP-140 Auroa pilot who deployed to OP CARIBBE in May and June 2018, a United States-led counter-narcotics operation in the Caribbean Sea and eastern Pacific Ocean.
From October to December 2020, he also supported OP NEON, Canada’s contribution in support of United Nations Security Council sanctions imposed against North Korea.
The Special Service Medal (SSM) was created to recognize members who took part in activities and operations under exceptional circumstances. The Expedition Bar signifies an aggregate of 45 days of honourable service performed outside Canada while deployed to participate in or provide direct support on a full-time basis to approved operations.
Canadian Forces’ Decoration
The Canadian Forces’ Decoration (CD) is awarded to officers and non-commissioned members who have completed 12 years of service and every 10 years thereafter. The decoration is awarded to all ranks who maintain a good record of conduct.
A clasp (BAR) is awarded for every subsequent 10 years of service.
Maj. Naqvi received a CD2 for his 32 years of service.
Maj. Maki received a CD1 for his 22 years of service.
Eight members received a CD for their 12 years of service, including Maj. Timm, Capt. DeRuiter, Capt. Palosky, Capt. Plante, Capt. Powis-Clement, Capt. Ryan, Sgt. Christie and Master Cpl. Kaehler.
Queen Elizabeth II Platinum Jubilee Medal
The Queen Elizabeth II Platinum Jubilee Medal commemorates the 70th anniversary of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II’s accession to the throne as Queen of Canada upon the death of her father, King George VI, on Feb. 6, 1952.
The medal is a tangible way to honour Her Majesty for her service to Canada. The medal is awarded to residents or those with a link to Saskatchewan who have contributed to Canada, Saskatchewan, or a region or community.
The Queen Elizabeth II Platinum Jubilee Medal was awarded to Maj. Naqvi and Mr. Robb Nesbitt. These were the last two QE II jubilee medals awarded at 15 Wing.
Canadian Joint Operations Command (CJOC) Individual Achievement Award
The award is presented to those who exceed the expectations of their employment or personal responsibilities by displaying outstanding leadership and going beyond the demands of their normal duty while working with CJOC.
The Canadian Joint Operations Command Individual Achievement Award was presented to Maj. Myroniuk.
As second in command of the aviation section of the multinational force and observers in the Sinai Peninsula, Egypt, Maj. (then Capt.) Myroniuk displayed outstanding leadership, dedication, and professionalism.
He was instrumental in optimizing the use of aviation assets and coordinated relief in multiple places while simultaneously ensuring the execution of routine missions, including visits by the president of Fiji and the commander of the United States Central Command.
Maj. Myroniuk’s remarkable efforts were also critical to the successful execution of all aviation missions within the operations area, bringing great credit to himself and the Canadian Joint Operations Command.
Wing Commanders’ Commendation
The Wing Commander’s Commendation is intended to recognize military or civilian members who demonstrate outstanding ability, devotion to duty, professionalism, or exceptional efficiency in performing their duties or exceptional acts beyond the execution of normal duty.
The 15 Wing Commander’s Commendation was awarded to Master Cpl. Stang for his commendable leadership, initiative and selfless dedication to his squadron.
Since being employed as a technical training flight avionics instructor at 431 (AD) Squadron, Master Cpl. Stang has been instrumental in developing the CT-114 Avionics upgrade (AVSUG) technical training program. His efforts in creating AVSUG technical training have been of a remarkably high standard, while his ability to impart technical knowledge to others is exceptional.
Stang’s actions have also given 431 (AD) Squadron the ability to complete servicing and maintenance activities for AVSUG aircraft and have ensured the success of the avionic technical training for current and future technicians.
15 Wing Flight Safety For Professionalism Award
The “For Professionalism” award recognizes acts that reflect a superior professional attitude that avert an aircraft accident or significantly reduce hazardous threats. Acts in the completion of normal duties may qualify if clearly indicative of commendable extra effort.
The award was given to Mr. Clayton Haight because, on Dec. 5, 2022, he discovered that the seat fastener of a Harvard aircraft had cracked and could have caused the pilot to lose control of the aircraft. Other maintenance personnel had not reported this issue during previous checks.