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Yorkton Hyundai raises money through sales for Kidsport

$100.00 from each vehicle sold in the month of October went to Yorkton KidSport.
Pictured left to right are Doug Jonassen from Chairman of Yorkton KidSport, Kimberly Hamilton, General Sales Manager of Yorkton Hyundai and member of Yorkton KidSport, Ron Kaban, Dealer Principal of Yorkton Hyundai and Randy Atkinson, a member of Yorkton KidSport.

YORKTON – On Nov. 8th Yorkton Hyundai presented members of Yorkton KidSport with a cheque for $4500.00. 

Yorkton Hyundai teamed up with Yorkton KidSport for the month of October and donated $100.00 for every car sold or ordered that month.

"Doug came to me about four weeks ago told me about the struggle they're having raising money for KidSport with kids playing hockey – so I said I would step up and do something," said Ron Kaban, Dealer Principal for Yorkton Hyundai.

Kaban had conducted a similar fundraising effort with the local Close Cuts for Cancer charity earlier in the year but said this was a "spur of the moment thing."

"It was a spur of the moment thing because Hyundai is so involved with the NHL and being a major sponsor of the NHL and I thought it would be a good fit for us to do," said Kaban.

"It's a good feeling because there's a lot of kids who can't play hockey – they don't have the funds to pay or whatever the case may be," said Kaban, adding, "and you know what, we need all these kids playing hockey."

Kaban credited the success of the fundraising effort to his staff and customers.

"I want to thank my staff—of course—who always go above and beyond and also the customers – I mean the customers stepped up," said Kaban, adding, "I was a little concerned because there's a shortage of product as we all know—but we lucked out—we got a bunch of units in and like I said, it was because of the customers and my staff doing such a great job."

"We are extremely grateful to Ron Kaban and his staff at Yorkton Hyundai for their efforts to help raise this money for Yorkton KidSport.  It is businesses like Yorkton Hyundai that Yorkton KidSport depends on to help us help kids," said Yorkton Kidsport Chairman, Doug Jonnasen, in an e-mail to Yorkton This Week.

"Our motto is 'So all kids can play' and this donation will definitely help a lot of kids with the funds they require to play the sport they love," said Jonnasen, adding, "all of these funds stay in Yorkton to help kids in Yorkton."

Jonnasen said that if any business in the city are interested in partnering with Yorkton Kidsport to help raise money, they can contact him 306-621-8576.

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