PREECEVILLE - Junior athletes from across the region showcased their talents at the Pregis Junior Badminton tournament on April 6. The tournament was co-hosted between Preeceville School and the Sturgis Composite School with eight schools being represented: the two host teams of Preeceville and Sturgis along with Norquay, Canora, Invermay, Kamsack, Scared Heart and Yorkton Regional High School.
The Preeceville School hosted the junior boys and girls doubles with Cole Secundiak and Jake Soltys winning the gold medal for the boys. Canora won the silver. In the junior girls doubles Canora defeated Yorkton Regional High School to win the gold medal.
The Sturgis School hosted the junior boys and girls singles and mixed doubles. In the junior boys category, Canora defeated Norquay to take home the gold and in the junior girls, Invermay won gold with Preeceville winning silver. In the mixed doubles, Sacred Heart won gold over Norquay.