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Somehow, the use of the word 'some' became somewhat complicated

Not only some of us, but all of us should know that ‘some’ is a ‘determiner,’ ‘pronoun,’ ‘adverb’ and ‘adjective,’ but it is also used as a ‘prefix’ and ‘suffix,’ according to Merriam Webster Dictionary .

            Not only some of us, but all of us should know that ‘some’ is a ‘determiner,’ ‘pronoun,’ ‘adverb’ and ‘adjective,’ but it is also used as a ‘prefix’ and ‘suffix,’ according to Merriam Webster Dictionary. I’ll attempt to write a story using ‘some’by itself and in combinations, and it might even somewhat make sense to somebody!  

            Somehow, somewhere, somebody made some money selling some magazines where some of the contents described some political novice named Trump. Trump went to some trouble describing some goals he wanted to obtain if he was able to convince some more voters that somehow his policies would lead somewhere and benefit some, if not all, of the people.

            Marion grew some vegetables in her garden, and to some extent, it was enough to last us through some of the winter months. She had read in some garden magazine how to maintain a somewhat fertile soil while at the same time doing some irrigation. She grew some five different kinds of vegetables, and some of those were potatoes.

            I made some money selling my books through some bookstores as well as directly to some individuals through my website. Some of the readers contacted me to let me know that some of the chapters in my books were somewhat entertaining, and some readers had laughed so hard that some tears rolled down their cheeks. Some others thought of themselves as somewhat of a cook and tried some of the recipes in my first book. There were some that were somewhat delighted that I had included some Norwegian recipes in my book. Some of them were of Norwegian heritage in some form or another, or rather, some of their roots were somewhere along the Norwegian coast in some fjord with a name that is somewhat hard to pronounce for some people.  

            Some of you might think that I should write something about some other topic instead of trying to entertain you through playing with some words. You might be somewhat right that there might be some other forum somewhere to present some stories that might somewhat make sense to some people, or perhaps you have some other suggestion.

            It feels somewhat tiresome to have to eat all this wholesome food that Marion puts on the table some days. There are four of us, which would be a foursome, seated in some chairs around the table on some Sundays. Usually there are only two of us, which would be the gruesome twosome some of the other days, and a lonesome ‘onesome’ the rest of the days.

            As a retired insurance broker-turned-farmer for some years before becoming somewhat of an author, I have written some stories for some years now. Some of you might find some of my stories to be somewhat entertaining. Some newspapers publish some if not all of my stories, which is somewhat gratifying to me. Sometimes some of the topics are somewhat amusing, and some are somewhat educational for some readers.

            Some time ago someone saw something that looked somewhat like a Sasquatch roaming around between some bushes and some trees. Somebody took some pictures of the animal, and sent them to some of the national newspapers. It was somewhat disheartening when somebody from some national newspaper told him that someone else had sent some other pictures that somehow seemed better than some of his pictures. Somehow he managed to cope with the situation after consulting with some agent that represented some literary magazines. The agent assured him that some of his pictures somehow made some sense, and advised him to submit some pictures of the Sasquatch to some magazine that was going to print some story about the topic as some of the readers had showed some interest in the topic. Somehow this all made some sense, and he sent some pictures priority post and some via FedEx to some magazine editor.             

          Somehow that’s how it works for some, whereas others are somewhat discouraged by some people that believe they have some power that they can exert on some of us.

            Somebody’s little dog, which was some mixed breed of some unknown origin, tried to climb through the fence to get at our dog. Somehow the little runt had decided that he could take on some dog that was twice his size. After some barking and some growling, the puny dog must have decided that some other dog might be a better target. He scuffed some dirt with his somewhat squatty hind legs and took off. Some time later, a cat somehow strolled into the yard.            

          The cat was some angora mix and belonged somewhere down the street. Somehow, the cat eluded our dog, and the last we saw of the cat it was dodging between some cars and some pedestrians.

            Ole, following somebody’s suggestion, went to New York and took a taxi from the airport. While en route to his hotel, he tapped the taxi driver on the shoulder to ask him some questions. The driver screamed, lost control of the car, nearly hit a bus, went up on the sidewalk, and stopped inches from a store window. For a second, everything went somewhat quiet in the cab, and then the taxi driver somehow turned his head, looked at Ole and said, "Look sir, you scared the daylight out of me!"

            Ole apologized and said, "I didn't realize that some little tap would scare you so much.†          

          The driver replied, "Sorry, it's not really your fault. Today is my first day as a cab driver. I've been driving a hearse for the last 25 years.â€

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