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Editorial - PM fails to show leadership

Prime Minister Stephen Harper paid a brief visit to the Yorkton area Friday.

Prime Minister Stephen Harper paid a brief visit to the Yorkton area Friday.

The visit was supposed to be an opportunity for the PM to get a look at the devastation caused by flooding in the area, but it turned out to be more of a photo opportunity for eastern media than a serious show of concern for the plight of area residents affected by rain.

Harper was in the province for a meeting with Prairie agriculture ministers in Saskatoon in response to thousands of acres of land being too wet to seed, or so wet after seeding crops have drowned out.

While the meeting in Saskatoon culminated with the announcement of farmers being eligible to apply for a $30 an acre payment, Harper also made a hastily organized stop at the Yorkton Airport.

The stopover would seem to have been the opportunity for the PM to show at least a passing interest in Yorkton which was and remains under a State-of-Emergency due to flooding from rains July 1.Considering how the city is the heart of a federal riding which has been solidly Conservative Party, going back to Reform Party days for years, a bit of additional concern would have seemed natural too.Estimates have some 60 per cent of homes having at least some water damage, and insurance claims sat at 2,000 as of Thursday according to Yorkton Mayor James Wilson (see related story this issue).

Many businesses also suffered extensive damage, with several still closed indefinitely.

In a community of less than 18,000 the extent of damage is significant, and with Harper at the airport, the leader of our federal government might have found time to have driven around the city to see how many homes had peoples belongings piled on the boulevard ready for pick-up and disposal.A true leader would have shown leadership by taking the time to look at the damage first hand.

Harper seemed more interested in popping down on an area farm to have his picture taken, than in facing the plight of our city.

It is good Premier Brad Wall and Mayor Wilson had the opportunity to talk to Harper, but shouldn't the public have a chance to see and dialogue with our highest elected official? That would seem a basic cornerstone of democracy.

However, Harper balked at even answering the questions of local media on his stopover.

It defies logic that our Prime Minister would duck dealing with the local issues by talking to media who represent local people.

Was it a case Harper was so ill-informed on the situation in Yorkton he felt unable to answer questions on the situation?

Or, was it simple arrogance that he felt above dealing with people left homeless due to the flood?

Either way, Harper failed in showing concern, or leadership to the people of this city.

Perhaps voters will return the favour in the next federal election.

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