By Doug Elsasser
           At the conclusion of Duck Mountain Super League draw number 4, played December 1 in Kamsack, five men’s curling teams, with two wins each, are tied for first place.
The first team to taste defeat on December 1 was Jeremy Hrycenko of Arran, sponsored by Rawhides, who lost to Cottenie and Gardner’s Don Bowes of Kamsack in six ends.
Ken Newell of Norquay, curling with his son Zack, Brad Knutson, and Rickie Pawliw, notched their second straight victory, downing Fred Perepiolkin of Kamsack in a seven-end contest. Newell is sponsored by Challoner Farms Inc., while Perepiolkin represents Nykolaishen Farms.
The only game to go the full distance saw Terry Dennis of Canora, backed by Pioneer Hi-Bred Seeds, beat Randy Trofimenkoff of Kamsack in eight ends.
The five teams tied for first place with two wins each are Newell, Dennis, Bowes, Perepiolkin and Trofimenkoff. Rick Kinaschuk of Benito has one win and two losses. Jeremy Hrycenko has had a slow start.
A yet un-played make-up game between Kinaschuk and Newell, who were unable to compete in draw number 1 on November 10, will affect these standings.
Duck Mountain Super League action shifted to Norquay on Tuesday when Newell was to have played Dennis, Bowes was to have curled Kinaschuk, and Hrycenko was to have faced Perepiolkin.
Draw number 6 will be staged in Canora December 15. The final draw in Duck Mountain Super League round-robin play goes December 22 in Benito.
The top four teams will enter semi-final and championship play January 5 in Kamsack. Various business sponsors have contributed $1,000 in play-off prize money. Winning teams in round-robin play receive $50 each.