A Kamsack automobile dealership’s customer appreciation event has resulted in $526 having been raised for the community’s SADD group.
           A barbecue was held at the Redline Chrysler dealership on May 17 and all proceeds of the barbecue were donated to the Kamsack Comprehensive Institute Students Against Drinking and Driving (SADD) said Allison Thomsen, a member of that group.
           This year marks the third consecutive year that Redline has donated proceeds from its annual customer appreciation event to SADD, Thomsen said.
           With the money, the group is now able to purchase and place two more highway SADD signs encouraging sensible driving habits, she said. The first two were placed on the Highway No. 5 highway entering and leaving the community, and now the other two will be placed on Highway No. 8.
           It is expected the signs will be placed before the end of the school year.
           The SADD group is planning to host a community-school ball game on June 3 at the sportsground, she said. “We’re looking for people wanting to form teams.â€
           Persons willing help form a ball team are asked to contact Kaylie Bowes or any other member of the KCI SADD group.Â