Kamsack is set to receive at least 100 seats from Taylor Field in Regina in the Grey Cup Legacy Project.
           Following the regular meeting of town council on April 25, Mayor Rod Gardner said that an application made by Kev Sumner, Kamsack’s recreation director, for seats from the stadium being replaced by a new facility, succeeded in acquiring 100 seats for Kamsack.
           The seats will be used at the sporting venues in the community including the soccer field, baseball diamonds, skateboard park and may be used to replace the old theatre seats in the curling rink viewing area, Sumner said.
           Gardner, who discussed the project with an acquaintance in Regina, said he may have been successful in acquiring another 50 such seats.
           The seats will not be in Kamsack until after Taylor Field is dismantled next year.
           Council agreed to close portions of Dixon Avenue and Stoughton Street from 8 a.m. to noon on May 12 to allow for a mock accident to be staged as part of the PARTY (Prevent Alcohol and Risk Related Trauma in Youth) exercise.
           It was agreed to proclaim the week of May 1 to 7 as Emergency Preparedness Week in Kamsack and council said it encourages all citizens to participate in educational activities on emergency preparedness.
           A recommendation from the Kamsack Volunteer Fire Department executive committee to appoint Ronelle Capuno to the fire department was approved.
           A fencing application from Dale Rauckman, and a request from Canada Post to erect a six-foot high fence at the front of the post office, was approved.
           A request from Ritchie Industries to subdivide Parcel C, Plan 102056688 into two parcels was approved.
           A donation of $200 from Crimestoppers was approved.
           A request from the Kamsack Royal Purple Elks to hold a tag day on May 27 was approved.