Congratulations to Calvin Smith and Diane Yuzik of Melville on the birth of their son. Jazer Alexander Smith was born on March 28, 2011 at 7:48 p.m., at the Yorkton Regional Health Centre, weighing 7 lbs. 1 1/2 oz. and 20 inches long. A little brother for Kaden, Tori, Kali, Jada and Tara. Proud grandparents are Lorne and Diane Smith and Tyrone and Donna Mongenson, both of Melville.
On April 13, the Blue Bonnet held their ham bingo and people came out to try their luck. The winners were Donna Catchuk of Yorkton, Mrs. Hudy of Melville, Linda Rathgeber and Lavona Sedlovitch of Goodeve and the lucky winner Marg Shanks from Melville won two hams and a turkey.
The Blue Bonnet will have a pot luck supper on Wed., May 11. Bingo to follow.