Families with young children were invited to the Kamsack Sportsground on Friday where Main Street Mobile Family Resources vehicle stopped from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.
           Aimed at children from infancy to about five years of age, and their parents, the vehicle was loaded with skill-building programs and games designed to keep the children busy and entertained.
           With the vehicle and conducting the session was Jane Meiklejohn of the Regional Kids First program. She explained how, because the program partners with the Sunrise, Regina Qu’Appelle and Sun Country health regions, she and the vehicle visit the communities within those areas.
           Accompanying Meiklejohn was Tracey Alcorn of Yorkton, representing the Triple P Parenting program.
           “We are promoting early learning and demonstrate how children learn through play, Meiklejohn explained, adding that with the activities she exposes the children to they are able to learn the skills they require for school readiness.
           In addition to the games, Meiklejohn had a table laden with printed resources for parents dealing with early childhood, family health and wellness and general parenting education information.
           Alcorn distributed posters announcing a Triple P toilet training session for toddlers which she will hold at the Kamsack Family Resource Centre on September 10.
           That session, which includes a hot dog lunch at noon, is free of charge and is open to all parents and/or caregivers of toddlers and preschoolers, she said. Â