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Awards and scholarships presented at graduation

Family, friends and classmates shared in the celebration of 22 Preeceville School graduates on May 17, when awards and scholarships were presented at the graduation exercises at the Preeceville Skating Arena.
Graduation Preeceville 2019 Class
Members of the 2019 Preeceville graduation class are, (back row) James Dodge, Kelton Novak, Connor Fincaryk, Sean Paligan, Jake Huska, Connor Nagy and Braden Mclean and, (middle) Keegan Bilanchuk, Rowan Prestie, Rachel Pankratz, Megan Braithwaite, Priscilla Holter and Kristan Javelona and, (front) Jordan Lowe, Kelsey Daschuk, Angelina Sorgen, Hailee Delawski, Kaylee Walker, Mehgan Petryshyn, Dana Chopty and Jasmine Knihniski. Unavailable for the photograph was Dawson Paul.

Family, friends and classmates shared in the celebration of 22 Preeceville School graduates on May 17, when awards and scholarships were presented at the graduation exercises at the Preeceville Skating Arena.

Arlene Prestie and Leslea Hanson introduced the graduates as their parents escorted them into the arena.

Janhia Irelandez sang O Canada, accompanied by graduates and audience members.

Graduate Kelton Novak gave the valedictory address.

Graduate Keegan Bilanchuk introduced the guest speaker, Bill Dodge.

Graduates Kaylee Walker and Hailee Delawski gave the Student Representative Council presentation which was accepted by Kelly Dierker, teacher.

Doug King, principal and Quinton Robertson, Director of Education presented the graduation scrolls to the graduates.

Arlene Prestie introduced the awards and scholarships.        

"The awards and scholarships program highlights the academic excellence and community outreach of our graduates. It is an opportunity for the community that helped nurture these students to share in the celebration of their achievements and invest in the continuation of their education. The scholarship sponsors and the school committee chose the recipients of the awards based on the criteria for the awards, and the applications submitted by students.â€

Graduate Angelina Sorgen received the School Community Council Scholarship of $250. Sorgen also received the Preeceville Figure Skating Club Bursary.

Graduate Kelsey Daschuk received two scholarships for academic excellence, each for $500, sponsored by Dr. Richard Krauss and his wife Ivy Krauss. The first scholarship was for the combined highest average in the English Language Arts A30 and ELA B30 courses. The second of the two scholarships represented the highest average in all three level 30 sciences. Daschuk also received the Frank Arnie Memorial for $2,000; the Preeceville Hospital Auxiliary in memory scholarship that represent Marie Phoenix and Esther Paul, and the Mathematics English Language and Arts and Science subject medals.

Graduate Mehgan Petryshyn received the Saskatchewan Union of Nurses, Preeceville branch $500 scholarship for a student pursuing a Bachelor of Science in nursing degree. Petryshyn also received a Preeceville Lions Club Scholarship for $500.

Graduate Kaylee Walker received the Crossroads Credit Union Scholarship of $500. The award was presented to a student who has demonstrated leadership and has made meaningful contributions to the school and community while maintaining above average scholastic performance. Walker also received the Preeceville Hospital Auxiliary Scholarship of $300.

Graduate Keegan Bilanchuk received the Endeavour Home and School Scholarship of $100.

Graduate Jasmine Knihniski received the Preeceville Fire Fighter Scholarship of $100.

Graduate Hailee Delawski received the Preeceville Lion’s Club Scholarship for $500.

Graduate Kelton Novak received the Gateway Co-op Scholarship of $200.

Graduate Jake Huska received the Preeceville Home Hardware Scholarship for $200.

Graduate Rowan Prestie received the Preeceville Lioness Club Most Improved Student Award for $200 and a medal.

Graduate Connor Fincaryk received the Preeceville Economic Development Committee Award for $200.

Graduate James Dodge received the Ed Zimmer Memorial Award for $250 and the Social Studies subject medal.

Graduate Dawson Paul received the Physical Education and Practical Applied Arts subject medals.

Graduate Kristan Javelona received the Bill Simpson Memorial Busary of $250.

Subject medal awards for Grade 12 students who have achieved an average of 85 per cent or higher in five 30-level subjects of two English Arts and Languages; one math; one science and one social studies were presented to graduates Kelton Novak, James Dodge, Hailee Delawski, Rowan Prestie, Braden Maclean, Kelsey Daschuk, Kaylee Walker, Jasmine Knihniski, Mehgan Petryshyn, Angelina Sorgen, Jake Huska and Megan Braithwaite.

Stephanie Johnson, a 2018 Preeceville graduate was presented the Governor General's Academic Medal by Quinton Robertson, Director of Education. The medal recognized a student who achieved the highest academic average in the 2018 graduating class. Johnson also received the W.H Downs Memorial Scholarship for $300.

The program concluded with a farewell grand march presented by the graduates and their escorts. The grand march was organized by Allyson Rock and Laura Sliva.

For more pictures on this article, please purchase a Preeceville Progress paper.

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