KAMSACK - The Canadian Ski Patrol (CSP) is a nationally registered charity, comprised of highly trained volunteers dedicated to promoting safety and providing first-aid and rescue services to skiers and snowboarders. Each year, close to 4,200 volunteer members of the CSP provide their services to skiers and snowboarders at areas all across Canada – free of charge!
In Saskatchewan, about 100 members of the CSP provide services at five ski areas during the winter as well as a number of non-skiing events during the summer.
The Canadian Ski Patrol is excited to announce that Duck Mountain Ski Area, and the Parkland Regions Nordic Ski Clubs have asked them to provide first aid and rescue service to their operations, according to a release.
The Canadian Ski Patrol is actively looking for new members who are interested in being a patroller at Duck Mountain, The Parkland Nordic Clubs, and other ski areas in the province.
If you are at least 18 years old, can ski or snowboard in a competent manner, they can train you to become a patroller.
Their first aid course is one of the best available. You can also learn how to safely rescue injured people on the slopes and transport them to safety.
There will be a virtual open house on the evening of October 13. To find out more about the Ski Patrol, or to register for the Open House, send an email to [email protected].