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Godfrey Dean Gallery: My History, My Tradition

Starting Oct. 1, 2015, the Yorkton Public Library will be opening at 9 a.m. Monday-Friday. --- The Gen. Alexander Ross branch of the Royal Canadian Legion held its election of officers for the coming year on Wed., Nov. 25.

Starting Oct. 1, 2015, the Yorkton Public Library will be opening at 9 a.m. Monday-Friday.


The Gen. Alexander Ross branch of the Royal Canadian Legion held its election of officers for the coming year on Wed., Nov. 25. For the benefit of the many members who were not in attendance, the results will be found on our webpage www.yorktonlegion.ca. Monthly meetings are held on the last Wednesday of the month, nine times a year. Your participation, as Legionaires, is critical to the future progress of our organization.


On now at the Godfrey Dean Gallery: My History, My Tradition, Dec 1-23. Portrait and bead work by Catherine Blackburn and Katherine Boyer highlight the artists’ connections to their heritage and traditions, while at the same time showing their strong individual identities as contemporary artists. Giant Bingo - Dec 1 - 23. Regina artist Belinda Harrow uses the game of bingo as a metaphor for internet dating, and employs beaver iconography to explore love and relationships. A whimsical  show filled with fun details. 49 Smith St. E in Yorkton. Open 11am-5pm Mon-Fri and 1-4 Saturday. Admission is always free!


Troyanda’s Malanka - Saturday, January 16, 2016, 4:30 pm – 1:00 am CCST. Gallagher Centre Flexi-Hall. Troyanda Ukrainian Dance Ensemble is hosting Yorkton’s biggest Malanka. Come out and celebrate the New Year with us, Ukrainian style! Dance performances throughout the night with a Ukrainian meal and live music, courtesy of Klayna, Winnipeg’s finest Ukrainian band! Doors open at 4:30 pm, with the first dance performances at 6:00 pm. Tickets available 8:00-5:00 at c.a.reed & Associates Engineering, 524B Broadway Street West, next to Dr. Trischuk’s dental office.


New Horizons Friday Night Dance, 78 First Ave. North, Yorkton, Sk.  Great night of dancing. Everyone is welcome. Time: 8:00 pm - 12:00 am. Admission: $8.00. Music by: Ron & Sandra Rudoski Dec. 4th. 2015; The Zayshleys Dec. 11th; Memory Lane Dec. 18th; Friday December 25th. Christmas Day NO DANCE. For more information contact Peter: 306-782-1846.


Exercise - Yogo Classes For Seniors Come out and get fit. Saturdays December 5th. and 12th. Time: 10:00 am -11:00 am. Pre registration not required. Please bring your own mats. Charge: $5.00. For further information contact Vi: 306-782-7218. 78 First Ave. North, Yorkton, Sk.


Body Blast - Exercise/yoga classes for seniors. Come on out and get fit! Saturday, December 5, 12, 19 at 10 a.m. at New Horizons Senior Citizens Hall, 78-1st Ave., N. Yorkton. $5.00 per person. Pre-registration is not required. Please bring your own mats. Contact Vi at 306-782-7218 for more information.


Members New Horizons Seniors Christmas Concert and Potluck Supper, Sunday December 13th. 2015. Live entertainment 2:00 pm - 4:00 pm. Potluck supper to follow. Bring your favorite dish. Join us for an afternoon of fun and festivity New Horizons Senior Centre, 78 First Ave. North, Yorkton, Sk.


3rd Annual Advent Tea, Bake Sale and Silent Auction - St. Paul Lutheran Church, 73 Smith St. E., Yorkton, Sat., Dec. 5, 2 - 4 p.m. Cost $5.00


The Yorkton branch of the Saskatchewan Genealogical Society holds their regular meetings on the second Tuesday of each month at 7:00 p.m. at the Yorkton Public Library. Anyone interested in genealogy is welcome to attend!


The Yorkton Legion is on a fast track. There has been a significant increase in membership over the past year. Many of these are from the younger generation, which shows they support the aims and purpose of this organization. Saturday cribbage is under way, with new helpers for Tracy Cross. Darts & pool are being organized for league play, and Friday ‘Full Meals’, along with meat draws, have also started. Drop in to Gunners Lounge and enjoy an evening out with fellow members and friends.


Community Adult Band Rehearsals Tuesdays 7:00 p.m. at Yorkton Regional High School Band Room. Two bands: Concert Band & Jazz Big Band. New members welcome. Contact Larry Pearen 306-782-4182 for more info.


Volunteers Needed! The Canadian Red Cross is seeking volunteers for the Friendly Visiting Program for Seniors. Volunteers will be trained to provide weekly visits or phone calls to socially or geographically isolated seniors in Yorkton and surrounding area. One hour every other week is all that is required to provide social interaction with a senior  and peace of mind for family and caregivers. For more information contact 306-620-3281 or email [email protected]


Donate at the following Canadian Diabetes Association Clothesline® drop boxes and help the more than 9 million Canadians living with diabetes and prediabetes: Rock FM Radio, 395 Riverview Rd., SIGN Family Support, 345 Broadway St. W. Clothesline® drop boxes happily accept all cloth based items, shoes, hats, belts and more.


Gloria Hayden Community Centre Hours of Operation Monday to Friday 9:00 a.m. to noon, 1:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. Closed over the lunch hour. Saturdays & Sundays noon to 5:00 p.m. Stat Holidays closed.


The International Women of Yorkton and area is a social group for all women. They meet one evening a month, at 222 Smith St. E., Yorkton. For more information contact Cathy at 783-2777.


Citizens on Patrol Program Yorkton - COPP the eyes and ears of your community is recruiting new members. For an application or more info please contact COPP at 306-621-7361 (day) or 306-782-3197 (after 6 p.m.) or The Yorkton City Detachment of the RCMP at 306-786-2400 or Box 153, Yorkton, SK S3N 2V7.


Attention all lovers of boardgames; chess, othello, checkers, backgammon, go, Camelot etc., join the Yorkton Boardgamers Guild, a new group forming to promote gatherings to play boardgames and have fun. For further information call 306-782-1783 or email [email protected].


Come join the fun!  Yorkton Community Concert Choir. Please call Laurene at 306-782-0460 or Anna at 306-744-2729 for more information.


Treasure Chest Toastmasters Club meets weekly on Wednesday evening from 7:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. at SIGN on Broadway. Impact your world by enhancing your communication and leadership skills. Guests and new members welcome. For more information contact: Delores Moskal 306-620-8424 and Keith Diduch 306-621-8700.


TOPS (Take Off Pounds Sensibly) meets every Monday, Columbia School, 119 Bradbrooke Dr., weigh in 6:15 p.m., meeting to follow; Tues., SIGN East Entrance, 83 North St., weigh in 6:15 p.m., meeting to follow; Wed., SIGN East Entrance, 83 North St., weigh in 12:00 noon, meeting 12:15 - 12:45 p.m. Call 306-783-3765 or visit www.tops.org for more information.


Al-Anon meets Mondays, 8 p.m. in St. Paul’s Lutheran Church, 73 Smith St.

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