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Summer Burgis Beach resident continues aid work in Kenya

Needy Kenyans are receiving life-changing aid included fresh water wells, food, and assistance with college bills.

CANORA - Vic Hamer of Elkhart, Illinois has been working in Kenya for over a decade, bringing fresh water and other life-changing contributions to those in need. Hamer, who enjoys spending time at Burgis Beach in summer, started doing volunteer work in Kenya in 2010.

“I placed my first well in Kenya in 2011 by myself, going to churches and explaining the conditions and the need for clean water,” he said. “They donated enough money to place a well in Kasarani, Kenya, then Give Me Water Lord, a not for profit organization based in Elkhart, was formed in 2012. This organization has placed five wells so far and hopefully will do number six in 2024.”

While fresh water is a primary focus for GMWL, the group also provides other vital supports in Kenya.

“These include donating goats to needy families, especially as many have lost their livestock to droughts,” said Hamer. “Children are sponsored with food and school fees, and there is help for young college students with tuition as they are the future of this country. Others are assisted to return to school, as well as helping with hospital bills, passing out Bibles and in general helping those in need as they come across our path.”

Hamer reports that 2023 has been a busy year for GMWL, including distributing 41 goats to “some very needy families. Due to the worst drought in 40 years, these families had lost all of their livestock. These families are still living in mud huts and six families had children who were so handicapped they could not walk or talk. The gift of a goat brings them a blessing and also hope.

“Yet these people, with all of their problems, tell me, ‘We thank God every morning for all He has done for us.’ It was a blessing for me to be with these people and a life changer for my situation and how God has blessed me. He has really blessed all of us, however most of us take these gifts for granted. We have homes, vehicles, daily food, health care, schools for our children, clean and abundant water, and so much more.”

During the year, GMWL has established two remote villages to receive a water well project. Hamer said they drove for 35 miles to get to one of these locations without seeing any living wildlife or domesticated livestock.

“Jane Ntaoti, field representative for GMWL and I are working with the village chiefs, head teachers and their water well committee on these projects. I am hopeful that GMWL can place these very much needed wells in Kenya in early 2024.”

A Fun and Food Day was held where children and their parents were invited to play games and enjoy a cooked meal at a local school.

“Games included badminton, horseshoes, Frisbee and ring toss, all of which were new to these children,” said Hamer. “A total of 140 children and adults were in attendance. The food was cooked in very large pots with the menu of rice, beans, cabbage, potatoes and goat meat. These children and their parents were so thankful to receive such a meal! After the meal, each family was given groceries to take home. These groceries were rice, beans, corn flour and cooking oil.”

People from seven different villages were invited to Free Food Day at a local church, where they were given the same groceries to take home.

“These families had lost their ability to earn a salary because they had lost all of their livestock,” said Hamer. “Bags containing 50 pounds of rice, flour and beans were loaded onto trucks along with cases of cooking oil and driven to the church. Groceries were supplied to 1,600 very thankful people, as many people from this area were starving and some dying due to the drought.

“The leftover groceries were distributed to various churches in the area to help others in need. The total cost of this project was over $5,000. GMWL was able to accomplish this life-saving venture through donations from churches and friends of GMWL.”

Hamer said Bibles were handed out to numerous Kenyans.

“Many Kenyans are very thirsty for the word of God, however, most have to decide whether to buy food, clothing, shoes, and pay their rent and school fees before they can think about purchasing a Bible. Those given a Bible were so very happy and thankful that some started reading their gift every day.”

In one unfortunate situation, GMWL was able to help a young lady, Liz, who was hit by a car and had her front teeth knocked out.

“She was wearing a mask every day and everywhere as she was so embarrassed to be in public,” said Hamer. “Liz is the waitress in a restaurant in Kitengela. She is paid less than four dollars per day and works over 12 hours per day. Because of two generous friends of GMWL, today Liz has dentures. She is so happy and has a big smile. I also gave Liz her first Bible, which she held tightly and was thrilled to receive.“

Hamer took advantage of the opportunity to visit the school in Kasarani where GMWL currently sponsors 10 students with school fees and a daily meal, and reports “All of the students are healthy and thankful to their sponsors.

“I am looking forward to returning to Kenya and continuing to help those in need. I am especially hopeful that GMWL can accumulate the funds to place the two water wells in the villages as the drought is continuing. I hope to again distribute goats to needy families if the drought goes away and the rains return. I wish to thank those who continue to pray and donate towards these projects.”

Ebenezer Baptist Church has been a valued donor for a number of years, and in 2014, a water well was placed in memory of Chess Patzer from Ebenezer.

“In 2024 GMWL is hoping to place another water well, this one named ‘Shelby’s Well’ in memory of Crystal and Troy Mc Naughton's daughter who passed a little over a year ago.  The McNaughtons are from Canora and there are many in this community who know them.”

As Hamer puts it, “Water is life. Nothing lives without it. GMWL gives physical water and the Lord gives life-long Living Water.”

Anyone who wishes to make a donation may do so by sending a check to:

Give Me Water Lord, P.O. Box 83, Elkhart, Illinois, 62634

Churches or other organizations interested in hosting a presentation by Hamer are encouraged to email him: [email protected].

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